Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Term 4 maths knowledge

 This term one of the skills I have worked on is to compare lengths. 

Something I learned was some subtraction.


Something I need to work on is: practising my maths at home.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Maths measurements

W.A.L.T use a ruler accurately to draw 2D shapes.
Something I did well was : rulering to do the shapes and I was concentrating on my work.
Something I am working on is : thinking about what the measurements will be 



Sunday, November 19, 2017

Inquiry groups term 4

Our smoothie groups name is: the super fruit smoothie girl 

Our logo  is:

Our slogan is: smoothie fruit smoothie's

On Friday we tested 3 smoothie flavours.
Here is our test sheet:

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

How to make danish heart basket

This procedure can be improved by a list of  materials 
Or making the folding clearer 
Something  I did well was: cutting the piece of papper
What could I improve on: is looking after my basket and putting it in a safe place.

Singing and sports we've done